Saturday, October 5, 2013

Conference Favorites

I would love to hear who gave your favorite talk or some of your favorite quotes from conference or any ah-has that you had.  Anyone willing to share???


  1. Well, I don't know if I really count but my favorite talk from today was the one by S. Gifford Nielson! I thought his talk was simply amazing! :D

    ~ Kylee

  2. In the Priesthood Session last night, Bishop Caussé spoke about unity. I thought it had some great thoughts that we could apply to Vanguard!

    Here's the link to the talk:

  3. I had an Ah-ha that might not make since to some of you but I thought I'd share any way: So in the personality test (dressing your truth) there are ones, twos, threes, and fours. So my Ah-ha is: President Thomas S Monson is the two, Henry B Eyring is the four, Dieter Friedrich Uchtdorf is the one, and there isn't a three because God is in charge. :)

  4. Yes, Kylee, of course you count!
    I am excited to listen to that talk now Gingerman - i plan on hearing it tomorrow morning.
    Colors, i was profiling people too - i like your ah-ha :-)
    I had lots of favorites, but one of them was Elder Scott - i love the thought of being strengthen through the atonement to accomplish God's work and of being protected from my weaknesses - I'll be studying that one in more depth soon!

  5. So, I got to enjoy my niece during Conference, and watch her with Rachel during the Saturday Afternoon session, so, I'm wanting to go back and listen to a lot of the talks! But I have to say, that Elder Holland was my ultimate favorite, (Other then the prophet of course:) ) He just has so much fervor in his voice when he speaks and I love how he always includes everyone in his talks!

  6. What a great idea, Sister Bates!

    I'll share a few of my favorite quotes. (They're paraphrased, because they're from my notes.)

    Elder Packer: Parents today wonder if there is a safe place to raise children. Is there? Yes. In a gospel-centered home.

    Elder Uchtdorf: Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.

    S. Gifford Nielson: What would you do if the prophet of the Lord called you? He has! Exclamation point!

    Elder Scott: Make the decision to do what Jesus Christ asked us to do.

    Elder Oaks: Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God's approval (quoting President Monson from 27 years ago).

    Bonnie Oscarson: Living a principle helps us become converted to that principle.

    David McKonkie: What would the Savior say if He were teaching my class today, and how would He say it?
